RBP-Tar is a web server for the retrieval of experimentally derived binding sites for hundreds of RNA Binding Proteins on the human genome.

The application shows at most 10 000 results. The whole dataset is available for download in gzipped CSV (14 MB).

Chromosome Start End Strand Protein name Sequence

RPB-Tar is a part of services provided by ELIXIR – European research infrastructure for biological information. For other services provided by ELIXIR's Czech Republic Node visit www.elixir-czech.cz/services .

Licence conditions in accordance with § 11 of Act No. 130/2002 Coll. The owner of the software is Masaryk University, a public university, ID: 00216224. Masaryk University allows other companies and individuals to use this software free of charge and without territorial restrictions in usual way, that does not depreciate its value. This permission is granted for the duration of property rights. This software is not subject to special information treatment according to Act No. 412/2005 Coll., as amended. In case that a person who will use the software under this licence offer violates the licence terms, the permission to use the software terminates.